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Attendance Policy


School Hours:

-Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 AM.

-Breakfast begins at 7:45 in Homeroom.

-Instructional time is 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM.

-Student will be dismissed at 2:30PM.

Students are considered tardy at 7:50AM. If your child is tardy, then you must report to the main office with your child to sign him/her in.

Students are required to be in school for at least 50% of the school day. If students are not present for at least 50% of the school day, then they will be counted absent.

  • Students will be not receive credit for the day if signed-out before 11:00AM.
  • Students will be not receive credit for the day if signed-in after 11:00AM.

Students are not allowed to be signed-out after 2:05PM. No exceptions.

Students can only be signed-out by indicated individuals on their contact list. (A photo ID is required.)

Students cannot be signed-out over the phone.

What Happens…

- if a student misses 3 or more days - The parent will receive an attendance letter.

- if a student misses 6 or more days of school - The parent will have to meet with the Student Data Manager to create an Attendance Intervention Plan (AIP).

- if a student misses 9 or more days of school - District personnel will be informed and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.